We run contemporary Rites of Passage events and offer regular local mentoring circles for teenage boys. These spaces build confidence, develop greater self-awareness and connect boys with wider communities of boys and men that support them on their journey to healthy adulthood.

At Journeyman, boys are challenged, guided, and supported by connecting with a diverse, skilled and trained community of men who are invested in supporting their empowerment. We seek to decrease their potential for engaging in high-risk activities and launch them on an upward trajectory towards a healthy, self-aware adult life that positively contributes to wider society. 

Our vision is to create and support communities in which committed adults skilfully support teenage boys during their transition from childhood to adulthood. We encourage local communities to show up and create a healthy, functional culture which the boys can be welcomed into. These boys are invited to grow with it over time and become an integral part of co-creating its future. 

We rely on a network of volunteers, multi-generational mentors, parents, teachers, service providers and trustees of all backgrounds who support our work. We would love to hear from you.

It is easier to build strong children than repair broken men.