We rely on the time and energy of our volunteers, and generosity of people like you to keep our services and groups free to access for all boys in need.
Can you consider making a monthly donation?
Your support
- £5 a month will enable one young person to attend our Rights of Passage one day event.
- £10 a month will cover one man’s mentorship training, enabling him to support 12 young men in a group (meeting weekly throughout the year).
- £30 a month will send one young person on our Rights of Passage Weekend event and enable a trainee mentor to work with and support him through that experience.
Sponsor a boy – a donation of £200 will secure one place on our Rights of Passage Weekend for a boy or young person who would otherwise not be able to attend.
Perhaps you have time to show up as a volunteer?
How about attending one of our courses?
Our popular online course Understanding Young Men – An Online Workshop for Parents, Carers, Teachers and Prospective Mentors helps attendees to better understand and support the teenage boys in their lives.